Maybe I’m Not the Marrying Kind

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Filed under Entries

12 responses to “Maybe I’m Not the Marrying Kind

  1. Duplexes are highly under-rated!

  2. I’ve always thought two houses connected by an underground tunnel would work for me.

  3. The T

    I think you’re damaged… I mean that in the most sincere “get thyself to nunnery” kinda way….

    Big Love


  4. Love the different synonyms for Sex 😉 I only read thee of your Blog entries so far, but I would go for some sort of control-need you seem to have.. not a judgment, just a suggestion… Anyway, all the best with the Duplex or the “tunnel under the street” project!

  5. Pingback: Thoughtful Thursday « Indigo Moods

  6. Drea

    But reaaaly? DOES MARRIAGE MAKE US HAPPIER? This “very happy” divorced author deceptively poses the question to get those of us who rebel against marriage sucked in to reading the crappy studies she sites. If you believe her theory than you and I are considered total losers for not wanting to get married (again).

    Her explanation that, “Married people tend to be happier, more satisfied with their lives, and less depressed. They tend to be healthier, too” does not explain to me why there are so many divorces in this country. Oh wait, her study draws on EUROPEAN couples!

    Personally, I’m A LOT happier now that I am divorced, run my own household, and don’t worry about domestic expectations/disappointments from a cohabitation partner. I am also happier spending half a week with my lovely sweet cheeks of a partner: creating meals, going on fun get-aways with and without the kids, watching movies we BOTH want to see, and being fruitful (not fitful) together. PS The mambo through humptoberfest is better because of it too!

    The road to your dad’s romantic life is not easy and takes two people who are okay with bucking the addictive wedding/cohabitation scenario our society has created. Once you find the space-conscious partner you’re dreaming of, let’s throw a massive partay for you two to avoid falling into the wedding trap. But be careful! If you get too happy celebrating, you might “increase your odds of getting happily hitched!”

    • I’ve read a few of those studies myself and many have concluded that MEN are happier and healthier in marriage but women are NOT. I’ll post a link later (o:

  7. Pingback: Freestyle Friday: The “Let’s Try This Again” Edition « Indigo Moods

  8. I too have read studies suggesting that men are more happy and healthy when married or in a long-term committed relationship. Alas, I too find myself wondering about marriage and if I can live with anyone again. I just ran across your blog on BlogHer and am so glad I did! This post hit the spot today.

    • Thanks Sarah! On the surface it feels like there are only two choices regarding relationships: In or Out. I think alternatives exist and are easier to spot once we know what we are looking for–sort of like buying a red car and then noticing every other red car on the road. I hope so anyway…

  9. Barbara

    I loved this article…. I’m a happy 45 year old female that’s NEVER been married. Call me the ‘runaway bride’ as I’ve been engaged a few times. I’m honest: I admit I LIKE myself AND LOVE my space. I think it’s great that you recognize that the reason things didn’t work out marital wise wasn’t because either of you as a couple didn’t work but because your personal space needs weren’t being met. So many divorced people blame the OTHER person instead of taking personal inventory for where things may have ‘shifted’ in the relationship. It takes a strong, solid, caring person to look within THEMSELVES to find where they may be able to grow. I LOVE THE CARTOON!!!! That is so ME! Thanks!

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